Code Confidencebuild

HAL Coding Conventions

To get changes and larger submissions included into the eCos source repository, we ask that you adhere to a set of coding conventions. The conventions are defined as an attempt to make a consistent tree. Consistency makes it easier for people to read, understand and maintain the code, which is important when many people work on the same project.

The below is only a brief, and probably incomplete, summary of the rules. Please look through files in the area where you are making changes to get a feel for any additional conventions. Also feel free to ask on the list if you have specific questions.

Implementation issues

There are a few implementation issues that should be kept in mind:


HALs must be written in C and assembly only. C++ must not be used. This is in part to keep the HALs simple since this is usually the first part of eCos a newcomer will see, and in part to maintain the existing de facto standard.

IO access

Use HAL IO access macros for code that might be reused on different platforms than the one you are writing it for.


If it is necessary to use the MMU (e.g., to prevent caching of IO areas), use a simple 1-1 mapping of memory if possible. On most platforms where using the MMU is necessary, it will be possible to achieve the 1-1 mapping using the MMU's provision for mapping large continuous areas (hardwired TLBs or BATs). This reduces the footprint (no MMU table) and avoids execution overhead (no MMU-related exceptions).


The code should contain assertions to validate argument values, state information and any assumptions the code may be making. Assertions are not enabled in production builds, so liberally sprinkling assertions throughout the code is good.


The ability to test your code is very important. In general, do not add new code to the eCos runtime unless you also add a new test to exercise that code. The test also serves as an example of how to use the new code.

Source code details

Line length

Keep line length below 78 columns whenever possible.


Whenever possible, use // comments instead of /**/.


Use spaces instead of TABs. Indentation level is 4. Braces start on the same line as the expression. See below for emacs mode details.

;; eCos C/C++ mode Setup.
;; bsd mode: indent = 4
;; tail comments are at col 40.
;; uses spaces not tabs in C

(defun ecos-c-mode ()
  "C mode with adjusted defaults for use with the eCos sources."
  (c-set-style "bsd")
  (setq comment-column 40)
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  (show-paren-mode 1)
  (setq c-basic-offset 4)

  (set-variable 'add-log-full-name "Your Name")
  (set-variable 'add-log-mailing-address "Your email address"))

(defun ecos-asm-mode ()
  "ASM mode with adjusted defaults for use with the eCos sources."
  (setq comment-column 40)
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  (setq c-basic-offset 4)

  (set-variable 'add-log-full-name "Your Name")
  (set-variable 'add-log-mailing-address "Your email address"))

(setq auto-mode-alist
      (append '(("/local/ecc/.*\\.C$"   . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.cc$"  . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.cpp$" . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.inl$" . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.c$"   . ecos-c-mode)
                ("/local/ecc/.*\\.h$"   . ecos-c-mode)
		("/local/ecc/.*\\.S$"   . ecos-asm-mode) 
		("/local/ecc/.*\\.inc$" . ecos-asm-mode)
		("/local/ecc/.*\\.cdl$" . tcl-mode)
                ) auto-mode-alist))

Nested Headers

In order to allow platforms to define all necessary details, while still maintaining the ability to share code between common platforms, all HAL headers are included in a nested fashion.

The architecture header (usually hal_XXX.h) includes the variant equivalent of the header (var_XXX.h) which in turn includes the platform equivalent of the header (plf_XXX.h).

All definitions that may need to be overridden by a platform are then only conditionally defined, depending on whether a lower layer has already made the definition:

hal_intr.h:     #include <var_intr.h>

                #ifndef MACRO_DEFINED
                # define MACRO ...
                # define MACRO_DEFINED

var_intr.h:     #include <plf_intr.h>

                #ifndef MACRO_DEFINED
                # define MACRO ...
                # define MACRO_DEFINED


                # define MACRO ...
                # define MACRO_DEFINED

This means a platform can opt to rely on the variant or architecture implementation of a feature, or implement it itself.