The STM32F4-Discovery platform HAL package is loaded automatically when eCos is configured for an STM32F4-Discovery target. It should never be necessary to load this package explicitly. Unloading of the package should only occur as a result of switching target hardware.
The STM32F4-Discovery platform HAL package supports two startup types which may be
selected using the configuration option CYG_HAL_STARTUP
This is the startup type which is normally used during application development. arm-eabi-gdb is used to download a JTAG startup application into memory via OpenOCD and the ST-LINK/V2 SWD debug interface. eCos startup code will perform all necessary hardware initialization.
This startup type can be used for finished applications which will be programmed into flash at location 0x08000000. It can also be used for debugging larger applications which do not fit in available SRAM. The application must be programmed to flash using the ST-LINK tool before debugging commences. eCos startup code will perform all necessary hardware initialization.
The platform HAL package contains flash driver support. This support may be
activated by loading the eCos flash I/O infrastructure package CYGPKG_IO_FLASH